Here's Sweets hamming it up for the camera. By the way, if he hears you saying he's a ham, he is quick to tell you, "hey, I'm not food, I'm a little boy!"
And here he is showing you how strong he is after climbing up a big rock pile. Check out those guns!
Aboard the trolley, ready for our safari!
Clutching his cup of grain and ready to roll!
Feeding the elk with Daddy. He was a little nervous at first, but the more animals we saw, the more comfortable he got. And of course, a source of endless fascination was the fact that yes, animals poop and pee too. Often.

Our tour guide referred to this water buffalo, nicknamed Samson, as her 2,000 pound boyfriend that smells really bad. She just loves him and I can see why - look at those big brown buffalo eyes!
Safari boy!
Excuse me, where is my food? Put the camera down. Feed me.
The stag elk were so beautiful and majestic! Did you know they shed their entire rack every year? I did not!
I was a tad obsessed with this adorable baby donkey. I wanted him to come home with us.
Ha! Can you even tell what this is? This group of baby alpacas was quite shy...I think the only reason this one let me snap his picture was because he was hoping I had food.
Sweets and his little friend A. How cute are they???
This goat cracked me up. Look at that ugly mug!
Donkey friends. Come on, how stinkin' cute is that fuzzy baby?
Prior to heading back home, we made a stop at the headquarters of the company Hubs' works for to say hello to the big boss and his colleagues. And the big boss was like "while you're in town, why don't you swing by my house and take the Gator for a spin?" Ummm....ok!
Needless to say, John Deere boy loved it!
The aftermath.
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