Pocket diapers are my very favorite because I love that you can adjust the absorbency to suit your needs. The one on the left is a Happy Heiny's Mini - a newborn version of their popular one-size pocket diaper. It's awesome, and I love that because of its three-step rise, it will fit Cole much longer than the newborn diapers without an adjustable rise. Plus, the leopard print? So cute! The one on the right is not technically a newborn diaper - it is the first diaper in our one-size stash to fit on him. It's a Rumparooz sized all the way down to its smallest setting. Definitely more bulky than the true newborn dipes, but it gets the job done!
Three more newborn pockets, from left to right:
Alva Baby newborn: LOVE. It also has an adjustable rise, ensuring a good fit for a relatively long time. The adorable owl print is my favorite and the super soft waistband is so gentle on his skin.
Blueberry Mini Deluxe: moms rave about these, so I got one to see what all the fuss was about. It was my priciest NB diaper purchase and while it's super cute, very adjustable and works well, I wouldn't say it outperforms any of our other pockets to justify the higher cost.
Fuzzibunz Extra Small: I'm not usually a fan of this brand for fit reasons, but it came with a couple of others I bought, so I took it for a test drive. It works well, but I don't love the snaps - it's tough to get a precise fit at the waist and I still dislike the sticky PUL coating on the inside of the shell.
All-in-One diapers make life so easy - no pockets to stuff, all your absorbency is built right in. Just fasten it on your baby like you would any disposable. We have a bunch of these and most work very well, but I miss the ability to add absorbency, like in a pocket diaper, and they take absolutely forever to dry, because they're all one piece. From left to right:
Random, work-at-home-mom made AIO: this one has a special place in my heart not only because it's so.darn.tiny but because it was the first diaper to fit Cole. He's like 2 days old in that picture - and he makes that teeny dipe look big!
Bumgenius Newborn: Bumgenius pockets are far and away my favorite one-size diapers, so I had to try their newborn size. I found them kind of average. They're not the most absorbent of my all-in-ones, and I think they're going to be the first ones he grows out of. It's already hard to fasten them at the waist - I'm running out of velcro closure.
Imagine Bamboo Newborn: Love this one! A great AIO at a great price point - very absorbent and super cute too! Even without an adjustable rise, I think it will fit him for a decent amount of time.
The last of our all-in-ones, from left to right:
Thirsties Duo AIO: I adore this diaper not only for its adjustable rise, but because it's an all-in-one that you can stuff with extra inserts if needed! It has a channel design inside that allows you to add absorbency - I've stuffed a hemp insert in there to beef it up for nighttime.
Little Joey's knock-off: Little Joeys are probably the leader in newborn diapers. But they're pretty expensive given their short lifespan in a diaper rotation, and there are many off-brand knock-offs with the same exact design at a much more reasonable price. This one happens to be by Hip Kiddo. Is the cow print not adorable? These diapers are pretty tiny and their claim to fame is the umbilical cord snap-down that allows the stump to heal without irritation (I don't have it snapped down in this photo because Cole's stump fell off a long time ago). At a month old and somewhere between 9 and 10 pounds, he's on the verge of outgrowing these as well.
Tots Bots Tiny Fit: my favorite AIO. Suuuuuuuuuper soft minky fabric inside, and tons of absorbency in a tiny package. Superb fit and washes and wears so well! I'll be sad to pack this one away.
Prefolds are what most people envision when they hear "cloth diapers." Classic cotton diapers, pinned on and covered with those old school rubber pants. Well, the old stand by has come a long way, friends! While the cotton prefolds themselves may not have changed that much, with the exception of coming in every variation under the sun - bleached, unbleached, organic, bamboo, hemp, etc. - the thing that makes these so user-friendly now are the wrap-style covers that go over the top. I purchased a dozen newborn prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers because I heard they were the best and I have ZERO complaints! They live up to the hype! So soft, so absorbent, and perfectly sized for a newbie. No more pinning - these can simply be trifolded (as pictured in the middle photo above) and laid in a cover, then fastened on your baby. These are the only diapers in our newborn stash that have never leaked on us - they contain everything! The only downside is that while all of the pockets and all-in-ones feature stay-dry interiors, with the 100% cotton prefolds, your baby is going to feel the wetness, resulting in more frequent changes. I personally don't mind this, given the affordability and performance of these diapers. The two covers I chose were:
Thirsties Extra-Small (on the left): Absolutely perfect over the top of these prefolds. A great fit and superior performance! The double leg gussets keep everything in, even runny breastfed poo!
Bummis Super Brite Newborn (on the right): These are TINY. They would probably fit a preemie really well. I had a hard time getting these newborn prefolds in there! But they did work great in the early days when Cole was itty bitty. No leaks with these either.
One other thing that's made cloth diapering really easy - those short-sleeved shirts he's wearing in nearly every photo. They're by Rabbit Skins and I'm mildly obsessed with them. It's so easy to change a diaper without messing with any snaps down there, they come in every color of the rainbow, they're perfect for layering, and they're tiny and adorable. Something to think about if you're thinking about cloth yourself!

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