I did a little internet research on cloth wipes, and you have two options: make them or buy them. Making them looked easy enough, so I decided to give it a go. And it was SO simple! I simply cut 3 of Sweetie Pea's flannel receiving blankets up into 7x7 inch squares (and for the record, cutting up those blankets I wrapped my newborn baby in was the hardest part, emotionally speaking. But let's be honest, we have like 373849597 receiving blankets ;). Then I zigzag stitched around the outside edges to prevent fraying (that part took me for.ever because I am an idiot with a sewing machine), and voila - 3 dozen cloth wipes!
I keep them in a recycled Pampers wipes container, folded pop-up style.
Here they are, folded and ready to go!
In order to get them wet enough to do the job, I now keep a squirt bottle (the peri-bottle I got from the hospital after giving birth, if you must know) of water in the wipes warmer, and wet the wipe with nice warm water before, ahem...wiping. I also have California Baby's Calming Diaper Area Spray for those super messy diaper changes. A few squirts of that directly on the bum and he's clean and sweet again!