Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend in review

Memorial Day weekend was no vacation at our house! Work, work, work! There was lots to be done outside, as the constant rain and a certain little babyman have prevented us from getting much accomplished to this point. It was bummin' me out too, because the yard was starting to look a bit WT (white trash). We can't have that!

Saturday Hubs mowed, weed-whacked and did some general yard maintenance. In the process he found this guy:

Ew. Seriously. Ew. I'm a pretty independent gal. I can kill my own spiders and pay my own bills but snakes seriously freak me out. The idea that this giant garter snake is living in our yard does not sit well with me. The idea that he's so fat because he's been feasting on lots of mice and moles sits even less well!

Sunday while Hubs was fighting with the weedwhacker (who had apparently decided it had worked hard enough to deserve the rest of the weekend off) Sweets and I made a run to the nursery to pick out some plants for my window boxes, and some vegetable seeds. We came home with petunias, some other plants I don't know the name of, and tomato, zucchini, butternut squash, basil and parsley seeds. We had planned a much more elaborate veggie garden but it has been so ridiculously wet we aren't sure much would grow in our plot. Annoying! Also on Sunday our neighbor gave us a ton of hostas and irises that she had thinned out of her garden. Score! I heart free plants.

Monday my parents came over and we worked like busy bees weeding, planting, getting those veggie seeds started, raking, sweeping, dog-washing, cleaning the pond...whew! It was a very full day, but I love that we got so much accomplished!

Sweets had a serious case of the crappy nappies this weekend. It all caught up to him while he was rocking on the porch with Grandma!

Biggity desperately needed some spring cleaning too. He got a bath and then he got Furminated.

Our little house, all spruced up!

Reading with Grandpa while the ladies cooked dinner.

All in all, it was a great weekend, even if we didn't get to relax much or getaway. I find a profound sense of peace in the fact that our yard is looking SO much better. I also don't mind that I got a little color on my pasty pale skin! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend as well! 


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