Crawls like a maniac - he is hard to keep up with!
Is a phenomenal eater. There's only one thing he won't eat and that's peas. I hate them too, so I can't hold that against him. He loves fruit, anything orange, banana muffins, Cheerios, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Is still nursing.
Has six teeth.
Sometimes sleeps through the night. I thought this day would never come! And I've finally gotten to the point where if he does sleep through, I'm not a total basketcase in the morning thinking that something is wrong.
Takes two predictable naps a day - an hour and a half in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.
Weighs 18 1/2 pounds and wears mostly 9 month clothes.
Loves his baths in the big tub!
Smiles, laughs, and babbles like crazy.
Is SO close to pulling up - one right move and he'll have it!
Is not a fan of the car. I never know if I'm going to get Chatty Baby or Screaming Baby when we drive somewhere.
I am in love with this age! He is so much fun and so freakin' adorable I can't stand it.
Chillin' with Grandma F
Hey, it's finally warm enough to go outside!
Are you the cutest? Seriously.
We love you, Little Bean.
Oh yes, nine months is so much fun! I check in every few days & enjoy your writing. Love the pics too! Give Sweetie Pea a kiss from Grandma.