Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Goodnight Song

Since we've brought back the rocking chair, Sweetie Pea's sleep has improved, but still leaves a lot to be desired. Take yesterday for example. I was off from work due to Hurricane Sandy (which really turned out to be more like Big Fat Rainstorm Sandy) and Sweets took a 40 minute nap and followed that up with a 45 minute bedtime struggle later that evening. He also woke up 3 times that night. What.Gives? I feel a bit guilty admitting this, but I have no patience for bad sleeping. Here it is child: I work hard. You play hard. We all deserve to sleep. And P.S. you're a beast when you don't get enough. And occasionally I am too. Thus, I may or may not have cleared off the toddler sleep shelf at my local library today ;)

While I'm working my way through my giant stack of sleep books though, let's try some positive sleep talk. Part of our bedtime routine is songs and snuggles in the rocking chair. I made up a little bedtime tune that we call "The Goodnight Song," and it goes like this:

Good night, Mommy
Good night, Daddy
Good night, Sweetie
It's time to say good night

Lately, the good night song has been getting cuter and cuter as Sweets chimes in to include any number of furry friends he's chosen to go to bed with him that evening. Tonight, for instance, the good night song went like this:

Good night, Mommy
Good night, Daddy
Good night, Froggy
Good night, Hopping Frog,
Good night, Kitty
Good night, Turtle
Good night, Slippers
Good night, Sweetie
It's time to say good night

As if that wasn't cute enough, the other night after tucking Sweets in, I heard him mumbling softly to himself as I left the room. Pausing in the doorway, I realized he was singing his stuffed animals the good night song. :::dies from the cute:::

See? Sleeping is cute! Sleeping is fun! Let's all sleep! Just ask this smushy little snoozing tot:

Sweets at 1 month old.

Gotta hit the books ;)

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