Friday, February 6, 2015

Where have we been?

This blog hasn't seen the light of day for a long time. Um, make that almost a year. But I can't even apologize (see: "The New Normal"). Listen, life happens and I was too busy keeping my head (barely) above water and dragging myself through day after day following sleepless night after sleepless night to even contemplate the remote possibility of feeling creative. But I've slowly felt my creativity drifting back to me over the last weeks. The eight hours of consecutive sleep I've been getting per night *might* have something to do with it ;) I can't say how often, but I can say that I finally feel like I want to start blogging again, so I'm just going with it. So, where did we leave off? Since I last updated, there's been:
Bug Hunting...

...general adorableness...

...not very much of this...

...greeting spring...

...greeting more bugs...

...toe finding...

...preschool graduating... cream eating...

...fat lip-getting...

...first foods...

...second foods...


...summer funning...

...road tripping...

...summer camping...



...first pet getting...

...first day of schooling...

...backpack adventuring...

...homework doing...

...corn mazing...

...corn maze smooching...

...trick or treating...

...John Deere driving...

...high fiving...

...Christmas wish whispering...


...and finally, a little celebrating :)

So there you have it! We've been busy with bugs, boo-boos and birthdays. My baby is one, my big boy is about to enroll in Kindergarten, and still life just keeps marching on. Here's to another year of fun, bug-filled adventures! 

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