Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's a...

...healthy baby! You didn't really think I would cave, did you? Hubs and I got to see G2 on the big screen this morning at our anatomy scan. It was awesome of course, but my only complaint is that my office doesn't have the 4D ultrasound capability. So, our take home images aren't the greatest, but it was still a thrill to see the baby moving all over, that 4 chambered heart beating away, and hear that all measurements looked perfect!

Awww, hi sweet baby!

Look at that teeny little foot and those toesies! Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

Aaaand then you have scary skeletor baby. Not so warm and fuzzy.

After the ultrasound I saw my midwife for my regular monthly appointment and on my way out, ran into the practice OB in the hallway. She delivered Sweets and she is so wonderful, but today she joked that I looked like a pregnant Ethiopian...nice. This was hard to hear because I actually do not think I look like a starving person, I think I look perfectly healthy for my build, and not at all different than I looked while pregnant with Sweets. The constant chorus of "eat more, eat more, eat more" is finally getting on my nerves, because there has been no shortage of eating going on here. Seriously people, I LOVE FOOD. Cheesy Mexican? Yes please! Oreo milkshakes? You bet! Donuts and pastries and ice cream? Pass 'em over! Maybe it's time for an avocado, cheese and bacon salad for lunch every day? I don't know. I'm out of ideas.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pregnancy 2.0

I've been thinking a lot lately about the difference between being pregnant the first time, and being pregnant the second (and possibly subsequent) time(s). The second go-round is certainly different - not necessarily in good ways or bad ways...just different ways.

I think the biggest difference is the most obvious one - you have another child to parent, who needs your attention and commands most of the waking hours of your day. This leaves very little time for all the luxurious pleasures of the first time around: midday naps, incessant Googling of symptoms, stacks of pregnancy books, nursery inspiration boards, and baby crafts of all kinds. The first time, the instant we saw two lines, our future child was pretty much named. Every week I faithfully referred to "What to Expect" for my dose of baby-growing information. 100% of my attention was focused on being pregnant and 40 weeks seemed like an eternity that would never end.

This time? I am over halfway done baking this baby and it has only just occured to us that he or she will, in fact, need a name. I can't remember the last time I cracked open "What to Expect" - mostly because I kinda know what to expect. I didn't even remember that it was time to schedule our anatomy scan until my midwife issued a gentle reminder at my last appointment. I have a paint color in mind for the nursery, but very little else. Ohandalso? Creating the nursery will require massive home reorganization. At this point we have tackled about 1% percent of that little project. But hey, babies sleep in your room for a good three months anyway, right?

That's not to say I'm not enjoying Round Two. I have been so fortunate to have had a pleasant, uneventful (knock on wood) pregnancy, especially since I'm trying to keep up with a preschooler this time. Just because I have less time to think about this baby and plan for his or her arrival definitely does not mean I find the experience of growing him or her any less magical. Because seriously - pregnancy is magical and miraculous and life-changing. I feel blessed beyond belief that I've been able to experience it twice. When I look at my son, I can't believe he started out as two tiny cells, and that he grew in my belly and I pushed him out, all healthy and gorgeous. I love being pregnant, and I won't let myself consider the fact that if this baby is a girl, this could very well be my last time feeling those kicks and jabs and getting all round and losing sight of my feet, and anticipating the arrival of a brand new person...there is nothing like it on earth.

Monday, August 26, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along? 
21 weeks - officially more than halfway to D-Day. Uh...what?

How big is baby? 
Apparently I had my fruits mixed up. This week is a banana, last week was supposed to be a small cantelope. This is slightly baffling to me, because I think a melon is bigger than a banana, but hey, I don't write the produce comparisons, I just quote them ;)

Total weight gain?
Up 8 pounds total. Perhaps I've settled into the "pound a week" phase?

Maternity clothes?
 God love 'em

Last weekend saw some of the best sleep of the summer - Sweets was at GaGa and PaPa's for the whole weekend so we could do some cleaning and organizing and OMG...two mornings of sleeping in in a row?

Best moment of the week?
It's not baby-related, but finishing my students' schedules a full week and a half before school starts - woo hoo, a personal best!

Food cravings?
 Any food will do!

Food aversions?

 Hubs is poking fun at me for waddling around, but the sciatica is really bothersome! I notice when I overdo it my back bothers me too.

 Sometimes it's like Cirque du Soleil in there!

 The ultrasound tech will determine the baby's sex in just a few days...but we won't know and neither will you!

What I’m looking forward to?
Seeing sweet baby G2 on the big screen on Thursday!

What I miss?
Bladder control. Wow, that was personal. Too much? Sorry, the truth is uncomfortable.

Weekly Wisdom?
Giving in to your nesting urges feels amazing.

Hubs got to feel the one-baby soccer game going on in there on Sunday morning :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

20 Weeks

How far along? 
20 weeks - half baked, baby!

How big is baby? 
The size of a banana, something like 10 inches from crown to heel

Total weight gain?
Up 7 pounds total. Now we're talkin'!

Maternity clothes?
 For sure

Not so much, and I can't blame my outside kid or my inside kid...bringing too much work home with me lately. Tis the season!

Best moment of the week?
Showering an old friend and her sweet baby-to-be on Saturday :)

Food cravings?
 Any food will do!

Food aversions?

 Sciatica is back! I think it's all about where the uterus is positioned in any given week. Pretty achy in the round ligaments (still).

 Baby is getting to be quite the acrobat!

 I seem to be carrying pretty low. This has prompted some to speculate that I'm having a girl, and others that I'm having a boy ;)

What I’m looking forward to?
Anatomy scan, and doing some household rearranging to start planning the baby's room. Oh and eating some blueberry cobbler in about 5 minutes.

What I miss?
Sleeping on my stomach. I officially can't do it anymore. And I really, really miss it.

Weekly Wisdom?
"Oh my God, you're pregnant again?" doesn't make a mama-to-be feel great...choose your words wisely.

Halfway done! 20 more weeks (give or take) and we'll meet G2!